Second workshop of the EUGLOHRIA Science Communication Workshop series 2023

The Second EUGLOHRIA Science Communication Workshop

As the world faces increasingly complex global challenges, it is becoming more important for scientists and students to communicate their research in new and accessible ways. On May 11, 2023, 19 students from EUGLOH universities had the opportunity to participate in the second workshop of the EUGLOHRIA Science Communication Workshops series 2023.

Led by Fabienne Will and Laura Verbeek of the Deutsches Museum, the workshop focused on practical aspects of science communication. Participants analyzed common formats such as papers, posters, and talks, as well as less conventional formats like comics, songs, and video games. Theoretical background information on structuring and storytelling was provided, along with discussions on the importance and methods of science communication.

It was another interactive workshop comprised of open discussions and group work interspersed with theoretical inputs. Practical examples from the museum and the Science Communication Lab were used to illustrate concepts. In the second half of the workshop, participants used a five-step guide to design their own science communication format - a podcast on common myths and misconceptions.

We received great feedback from this group of participants as well, and are looking forward to our third science communication workshop on June 29, 2023!