EUGLOHRIA Seeding Conference for Joint Pandemic Research


This invitation is addressed to researchers and stakeholders with pandemics-related research projects conducted at universities within the European Alliance for Global Health – Transformation through joint Research and Innovation Action (EUGLOHRIA, EUGLOHRIA is a consortium consisting of Lund University, University Paris-Saclay, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, Universidade do Porto, and University of Szeged. The aim is to build a European University of the future by bringing universities across Europe together and combine their outstanding expertise in Global Health, Research and Innovation.

The main objectives of the EUGLOHRIA Seeding Conference for joint pandemics research are:

  1. To encourage the exchange of new scientific and innovative insights and ideas on pandemics and COVID-19 challenges;
  2. To facilitate the formation of new research collaborations within and between partners within the EUGLOHRIA consortium;
  3. To promote and support joint research applications to external funding agencies:

The conference will start with an introduction of EUGLOHRIA and an outline of infrastructures and industrial partners available within the consortium. A seeding grant opportunity for new potential EUGLOHRIA collaborations will also be presented. To facilitate scientific discussions and foster such new collaborations, satellite meetings in topic-specific break-out rooms will then be organised for detailed discussions of ongoing research and future perspectives for collaboration within EUGLOHRIA. In summary, the EUGLOHRIA Seeding Conference for joint pandemics research aims to facilitate networking and support new exciting research collaborations in pandemics research.

Participation is free of charge. Registration for this event has been extended until 8 April 2022

We look forward to your participation!

Heiko Herwald, Joakim Esbjörnsson-Klemendz, Fariba Vaziri-Sani

EUGLOHRIA, Lund University

  • Abstract Submission

    Abstract Submission Guideline

    All conference participants are invited to submit an abstract for the conference topics. This page outlines all the information you need to prepare for submission.

    Submission Deadline: The final deadline for abstract submission is 8 april 2022. Proposal For Abstracts

    Topics: You will need to select at least one of the conference topics that best fits with the content of your abstract. The four topics below are the key areas that reflect the main focus of “The EUGLOHRIA Seeding Conference For Joint Pandemics Research”.

    Conference Main Topics

    • Understand the virus and the host (U): Basic science projects where the main purpose is to understand the pathogen and how it causes disease.
    • Detect the virus (D): Projects where the main purpose is to detect and disentangle the mechanisms of spread of the virus in individuals or in the environment.
    • Act against the spread of the virus (A): Scientific projects where the main purpose is to fight the disease, as well as other countermeasures.
    • Consequences of the pandemic (C): Projects related to studying the consequences of the pandemic on a (non-medical) societal level.

    Abstract Outline

    Title: The abstract title is limited to 150 characters.

    Authors and affiliations: Please enter Authors' names and affiliations in the dedicated fields.

    Abstract Content: The conference aims to stepping up international and cross-sectoral collaboration in research and innovation and encourage researchers, entrepreneurs, and professionals from different disciplines to apply and present new research projects, innovative approaches, and tools to address the key topics of The EUGLOHRIA Seeding Conference. The networking (rather than traditional scientific presentation of specific studies) is in focus. The content of the abstract may therefore represent either a specific study or a research development approach as represented by the author(s). There is a limit of 350 words for Abstracts/Short Summaries.

    Structured Abstract: The abstract includes the following: Introduction/Aims, Materials/Methods, Results, and Conclusions.

    Unstructured Abstract: Traditional summary of the study's objectives, methods, and conclusion in one paragraph without different sections or specific titles.

    A short summary/outline of the participants ongoing, start-up or upcoming project with a description of the overall objectives, most important research questions and which category of the main conference topics the projects belong to: [Understand the virus and the host (U); Detect the virus (D); Act against the spread of the virus (A); Consequences of the pandemic (C)].

    Digital conference: The EUGLOHRIA Seeding Conference is a completely digital conference. To facilitate scientific discussions and foster new collaborations, satellite meetings in parallel sessions/in topic-specific break-out rooms will then be organized for detailed discussions of ongoing research and future perspectives for collaboration within EUGLOHRIA.

    Abstract book: All submitted abstracts will be included in a book of abstracts for this conference, which can be useful to create new and broader research networks.

    Abstract can be submitted here until 8 April 2022